Sunday, October 5, 2008

it leans

It's been a weird week. I haven't had internet in the apartment regularly and as a result, my entire schedule has changed. The blogging will continue, sporadically. 

This is the theatre where we saw Burn After Reading (which was awesome). Everything is old here. And, as I'm learning in Conservation Law, Business and Management, it's because no one is allowed to change anything that's more than 50 years old. Not even their underwear :)

I wasn't feeling very good, and I think that is evident in my inability to take a level photograph here. That is the leaning tower of Pisa. It's lean is only slightly exaggerated by my photo. 

A much more accurately angled, and probably more disconcerting, view of the tower. It really leans.

In Lucca. The city has a central piazza in the oval shape of a Roman amphitheatre that was once there and is surrounded by walls that you can ride bicycles on top of.  This is a photo of the Church of Ss. Giovanni e Reparata. You can see the floor level of the church where our group is standing, and beneath are archeological excavations of Roman baths and an Early Christian church. So much of Italy is layered like this. I'm hoping to get a tour of some of this sort of stuff next time I'm in Rome.