First, I went to buy my train ticket right after my travel buddy Marjorie had bought hers, and 2nd class was sold out. To take the same train as her, I had to pay for 1st class. I'm not going to say how much it cost, but I will say it wasn't worth it.
It then rained all over us in Ostia, the Roman port city. I took this picture of the amazing mosaic floors of the baths there, and promptly afterwards, my camera went dead. We had dinner in a Spanish restaurant on the Tyrrenhian sea, but it was too cold to enjoy the beach.
Marjorie & I met up with Julia and Chris the next morning in Rome. We took a train out to Tarquinia, home of a famous Etruscan necropolis. I'm quickly learning that archeological destinations are usually not really destinations at all, and therefore there is never an easy way to get to them. A "2 km walk" turned into a 4 km walk (uphill, along a highway), and what signs there were directing us to the site contradicted themselves several times. We finally made it, and it was worth it. 20 tombs for 6 euro. Google image search: Tarquinia.
Our hostel in Rome was terrible. The worst I've ever been to. I'm not going to elaborate because I want to forget about it. Thank God Chris & Julia had booked an entire room for 6 in a different hostel, Marjorie and I just stayed there.
There were more crazy things: money stuck in train ticket machines, late busses, catacombs. Basta.