Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 1

before my flight
living room

two photos of my room and a view out my window

I have no idea how many hours I spent traveling yesterday, because I slept through almost all of it.  Then I slept 12 hours last night. I'll probably sleep another 12 tonight, and maybe take a nap. My flatmates and I are all just pooped. And bored.

But orientation starts today! Which forces us to go out and do things. So far there has been no reason to leave the apartment. It's clean, air conditioned and has wireless internet. 

I noticed that I've been talking in a deeper voice since I've been here. When I got to thinking about it, it seems like I just do it to strangers/people I don't know well. I once had a kid I just met compliment me on having a nice voice, and I thought, "Really, I don't always sound like this." I hope that everyone who's reading this has heard me get shrill.  Or maybe you haven't noticed.

More to come...